sreda, 22. maj 2013

Road trip to Zagreb

Zagreb, Zagreb, Zagreb - mmmmmmm
Now it is the first time I purposely visited this city. On several occasions I passed Zagreb on our way to the seaside, and consequently I didn't feel much for it. But now, oh my God, I even decided to stay there for my studies – fashion I guess – well I'm perfectly positive I won't live in Ljubljana.
Observing all that trendy voguish folks in the streets of Zagreb I just didn't know where to look, since I was literally encompassed by snazzy glam on both sexes I'd hardly experience so abundantly in Ljubljana since I trolled its streets for three hours last time to take no more but 3 adequate photos.
I'd like to be there, I will get there...

See you soon, Zagreb!

Zagreb, Zagreb, Zagreb mmmmmmm…
Mesto v katerem sem bila sedaj prvič. Vedno smo se samo vozili mimo, ko smo šli na morje, pa še to sem ga videla samo iz avtoceste in pri meni ni vzbudil pretiranega zanimanja. Danes pa, joj, nekako sem se odločila, da bom tam študirala. Verjetno nekaj v zvezi z modo ampak definitivno grem ven in Ljubljane.
Ko sem po ulicah iskala ljudi z dobrim stilom nisem vedela kam naj se obrnem, ker so me iz vseh strani obdajali hudo dobri stili – oba spola, medtem ko sem v Ljubljani 3 ure hodila gor in dol po mestu pa sem dobila na koncu samo 3 slike, če sem jih dobila(!).
Šla bi nazaj in šla bom nazaj!

Kmalu nasvidenje Zagreb

X, L.
Special thanks to: Lara L. & Valentina R.